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INTERNET: Basic of Architecture - What is basic terms of Internet

What is the Basics of Internet architecture 

Internet is basically a network based on client server network and internet. Architecture is a subject matter of entities in verb or like a blueprint diagram that how it is going to process.

As we have already discuss types of networking in that we have learn that there are many kinds of networking like client server networking, peer to peer networking and so on but whenever you need information you search through search engines or get them on certain website you know means you are information and you are yielded the information.

Conclusively you are the client and there is a web server located somewhere seems like server.

What is the basics term of Internet architecture

  • Internet Protocols 

  • The internet protocol internet IP is the principal communication Protocol in the internet protocol suite for killing datagram across network boundaries its routing function enables Internet working and essentially established the internet. IP defines package structure that and complete the data to be delivered it also define addressing method that are used to label the diagram with source and destination information.

  • Domain Name System 

  • The domain name system DNS is a physical distributed naming system for Computer service or any source connected to the internet or a private network it associate information with domain name assigned to each of the participating entities.

    Most prominently, it translate easily memorize domain names to the numrical IP addresses needed for the purpose of locating Computer service and devices worldwide. By providing a worldwide distributed keyword page redirection service and domain name system is a essential component of the functionality of internet.

  • Content Delivery Network 

  • Content delivery network and distribution networks is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple days centers across the Internet. CDNs serve a large fraction of the Internet content today including web object (text, graphic, software and application, streaming media and social).

  • Network Address Translation 

  • Network network address translation(NAT) is a network protocol used in ipv4 one network that allows multiple devices to connect to a public network using the same public ipv4 address. NAT was originally designed in attempt to help conserve ipv4 address. Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the fourth version in the development of internet protocol IP.

  • Proxy Server 

  • Proxy server in computer networks a proxy server is a server or Herb that act as an intermediary for request from client seeking resources from other service client connect to a proxy server requesting some service such as file connection web pages or other resources available from different server and the proxy server blades the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity


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