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INTERNET: What is WWW and How it Works

What is WWW and How its Work

World Wide Web

Www is a set of program standard to allow a user to access web pages governed by the protocol where you can create or access your website containing text images, graphics, audio and video. Website are the files created at displayed on web and access through hyperlink supported by HTTP protocol.

World wide web is one of hundred of service used on internet. The web is a global set of documents images and other resources logically interrelated by hyperlink and reference with in uniform resource identifier. URLs well assembly identify service service and other databases and the document and resources that can provide hypertext transfer protocol http is the main action protocols of World Wide Web web service also use http to allow software system to communicate in order to share and exchange business logic and data.

How it Works 

  • The world wide web the fastest growing and the most innovative part of the internet when you browse the web you view multimedia pages composed of text graphics Sound and video. The web used hypertext link that allow you to jump from one place to another on the web the language that allows users to hypertext links and to view web pages called hypertext markup language more commonly known as HTML.
  • The web work on client server model in which client software known as web server runs on local computer.
  • The server software runs on a web host to use the web you first make an Internet connection and their launched your web browser.
  • In a web browser you type a URL uniform resource locator our location you want to visit or click on a link that will send you to decide location name for Wave location awareness uniform resource locator your web browser send the US request using http hypertext transfer protocol defines the way the web server and web server communicate with one another.
  • URLs contain several parts. The first part the http:// details which internet protocol used the second part usually has a www in it. Sometimes it tells what kind of internet resource is being contacted. The third par such as can vary in length and identify the web server to contact that the final part identities v a specific Directory on the server and a homepage, document or other internet object.
  • The request is sent to the internet full stop Internet routers examine the request to determine the service to send the request to draught the information just to the right of the http:// in the information urls tells the internet on which web server the requested information can be found router sent the request tutored web server.
  • The web server received the request using HTTP protocol.
  • When the server find the requested homepage document object it send the homepage document or object back to the web browser client the information is then display on the computer screen in the web browser.


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