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Details of Pradhanmantri Jandhan Yojna

Pradhanmantri jandhan Yojna is a national wide scheme launched by Honble prime minister on August 2018. In this scheme financial inclusion of every individual who does not have a bank account is to be achieved in rural and urban areas. The scheme bill and financial access to every month who was not able to cook benefits of any other finance related government schemes. This is include access to banking savings account limitations credit insurance and pension in an acceptable manner a lot of account has been opened best car under. This scheme Prime Minister announced this scheme on first Independence Day speech on 15 August 2014 written by department of financial services Ministry of Finance on the inauguration day 1.5 crores account their opened under this scheme Genius World Records recognise the achievements made by under pmjdy. Under the jan Dhan Yojana anyone who is an Indian citizen and above the age of 10 years and does not have a bank account cannot send the account this yea
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